How to Start SEO For Your Website?

Search Engine Optimization is a growing field and there are many strategies followed all around the world to rank their website on the top of the search engine results. 

There are many marketing techniques and strategies available online that claim the best results if followed in the right direction. 

But the question is how to follow them and how to remain stick to them. Every SEO professional has a different strategy and they start from the basic to get them right.

How To Know Which Strategy Is Right?

Before you start anything, Read more about it and plan things out as per the efforts and time you are going to put in that. Check the strategy and give some time to check the results. 
Try different strategies and give some time to them to see the results. Once the result come out follow the right one for your brand. Then focusing on that specific strategy can yield good result.
Talking about the 3 strategies that are basic and you can use them for your website to grow online.

On Page Website SEO

First thing is setting your website and making it so unique that user actually loves the design. Make your website with the latest trends which most of the website is using.
Focus on On-Page SEO checklist which is very important for the website. There are number of factors for On page which are needed to check before you launch your website online. 
You might heard of On Page SEO on internet but what are they and how things help for ranking in the search result. These are changes which are done on the website only to optimize it for the SEO. 
Like using the right keywords on the website on which you want to rank. Using the same keywords in meta title and description so that google bots can check the relevancy.
It is all about organic stuff by which you can easily rank doing this in right way for the keywords which are low competitive. You can search more about this online and create your website with these On Page SEO factors. 
You can also hire SEO professional who can give the On Page SEO report which will indicate that what factors needed to be fixed at site. If you are looking for SEO agency in Chandigarh, You can connect with Wexert which is one stop solutions for all your online marketing needs.

Off Page SEO

Off page is creating backlinks of your website on other websites so that you can get referral traffic and trust of google. These backlinks can help you to improve your ranking score once the On Page SEO is done.
For example any keywords is ranking on  100th position after On Page SEO now you need to do off page SEO to improve the rankings from 100th position. It can be possible your keyword is ranking on first page of the google if you have considered all things for On Page SEO.
The main thing you need to consider while doing off Page is quality of the website on which you are planning to create backlinks. 
There are many tools like Ahref, MOZ and Semrush which can give you the detailed analysis of the website. After checking all the details, Create your website backlinks on these website with the targeting keyword.

Content Strategy

There is a statement – “Content Is The King”. This is very right and true. Content is the important part when talking about the online marketing. 
It should be unique and creative to get the attention of the users. If you can engage audience with your content then there is more chances of trust on your website.
Before you write a content, Make sure to do some research on the internet about the information available on the Internet. Try to make your content unique so that you can some additional or new information which was not earlier available on the internet. 
Google generally promote the content organically which is best for the audience. If your content is engaging then user going to spent more time on your website and google understand this.


I am professional writer for fashion, trending and entertainment.

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